What is your core?
The core is a group of muscles in the back and abdomen that surround the spine. These muscles are involved in keeping us upright, balanced and essential for spinal stability.
We all want to work on our core but what does that mean exactly?
If you want to strengthen your core, it is important to work not only our abdominal muslces, but the muscles in our back and hips.
Why is it so important to develop good core strength?
The benefits of having a strong core go so much deeper than simply esthetics! Most of us at one point in our lives have experienced low back pain and we all know how unpleasant that can be. Taking the time to build strength in all of the muscles that support your spine can not only help prevent low back injuries it can help with low back pain.
Exercises that are great for core strength are:
Bridge Pose
Classes you might want to try to increase core stability:
Strength training
The practice of engaging our core muscles (abdominal muscles, glutes, hips and low back) is also important when you are lifting weights, particularly heavy ones, and also in yoga classes, especially when practicing balancing postures. There are so many activities throughout our day where we need to use our core. Shoveling, carrying groceries or a child, getting up from lying down or bending down and picking something up. Might be something to think about next time you get up and get out of bed morning!