
Oct 7, 2024

 by Chelsea Payn

What exactly is mindfulness and why should we practice it?


Mindfulness can simply be described as the state of being conscious or aware.  To explain it in more depth, mindfulness is maintaining present moment awareness of thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations.


How can we practice mindfulness?  


One of the easiest way to practice is to become aware of the breath.  Breath awareness is one simple way to bring our attention back to the moment.  Simply by bringing the attention back to the breath, each time we become distracted.  A distraction can be a thought, a sound around us or a physical sensation in the body.

Mindfulness can be practiced throughout the day while performing your every day tasks.  For example, when eating, try and slow down and pay attention to each bite of food.  Take the time to appreciate how the food tastes, how it smells,the textures and how it make you feel when you eat it.  (Not how I just quickly, mindlessly ate my breakfast cookie while trying to write a blog about mindfulness, ha!)

Another time you can practice mindfulness is when you are walking outdoors.  Notice the sounds you hear outside, take in the nature surrounding you and see if you can remain in the present moment on that walk.

You can have mindful moments with your pets.  My favourite way to relax and be in the present moment is to pet my golden retreiver.  It instantly calms my nervous system and at the same time releases those feel good endorphins.

If you find yourself easily distracted and would like to be more present, try out one of these ways to practice mindfulness and maybe notice how it makes you feel?