New Year Intentions

Dec 30, 2024

 by Chelsea Payn

Are you someone who sets a New Year's resolution?  If so, do you find that you are able to stick with it?

How about trying something a little different for this upcoming year?  This year you could try setting intentions.

What is an intention and how does that differ from a resolution you might be asking?  Intentions are based on values and help focus on the present.  Resolutions are often focused on achieving or changing something.  

The beautiful part about setting intentions is that they can be practiced daily.

Deciding your intentions for the new year can be done many different ways.  The first thing to decide is what adds value to your life and what takes away.

  • Visualize your intentions 
  • Write down or journal to decide what intentions you want to add to your life.
  • Use a theme for your intention
  • Focus on how you want to feel and choose intentions that will make that possible.
  • Use positve words when creating your intention.  Rather than things you shouldn't do, focus on what you can do.
  • Set clear intentions.  Choose qualities that you want to cultivate in your life.
  • Give yourself the permission to change or add to your intentions as the year unfolds.
  • Be creative!  Make a vision board with a friend or loved one. You can do this physically or even digitally.  This a great daily reminder of your intentions.

Next time you are in a yoga class and your teacher asks you to set an intention, take some time and think about how you want to feel in this upcoming year.  What actions can you take to get to a place where you want to be in 2025?