What is the difference between Stretching & Mobility?
Mobility exercises are more active movements done at the beginning of a workout to warm up the muscles. Stretching is passive and done after a workout to lengthen the muscles and prevent stiffness. Both are very important for improving flexibility, range of motion and preventing injuries!
Benefits of mobility include:
Benefits of stretching include:
While there are many similarities to stretching and mobility, when and how you do these exercises can greatly impact the benefits of your workout pogram.
Some of my favourite go to mobility warm up exercises are the worlds greatest stretch with rotation, cat cow and 90-90 hip switches. When planning on what I will do for my mobility routine, I think about what muscles I will be working that day and spend time getting them warmed up and ready to go!
As for stretching, I know many people feel they don't have time or don't see the initial benefit so they skip it. If this sounds like you, try adding it in to your workout program so it is a non negotioable! I find the easiest way to do this is to plan my core work at the end of my workout and do it right after. I simply lay out my mat, do my core exercises and make sure I save at least 5 minutes to stretch the muscles I used in that workout.
Yup, 5 minutes is all you need! You might not feel the benefit initially, but your future self will thank you when you are able to move more easily the next day!